Featured Video Course on Strategic Thinking
We are proud to release another video course, this time on strategic thinking. This 16 video course is titled The Strategic Thinker, the Strategic Process, and Your Strategy. The reason for the title is that we look at strategic thinking multidimensionally, covering the person, the process, and the outcomes. Developing
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Innovation is Inefficient Problem Solving (even Simon Sinek says so)
Innovation is about solving real problems. It does NOT require that you solve the problem in a unique or imaginative way. It really is all about solving problems. To be fair, if you don’t solve it in a unique way, then that innovation might not be a competitive advantage, or
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Lean Product Development
In this video, Jamie looks at the lean product body of knowledge and what that means for your journey. Simply coming up with a solution to a problem can prevent true growth in your organization and prevent you from your true culture. Jamie will examine how to look at the
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Would You Cut Off Your Hand to Improve Your Problem Solving?
This article originally appeared on IndustryWeek. I’ve been rereading, in greater depth, Art Smalley’s book Four Types of Problems. Art and I first worked together about 25 years ago on the transformation of Chrysler. It went from near bankruptcy to the most profitable company in the industry, until it was
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Available Recording of Lean Frontiers Webinar
On Wednesday I participated in a webinar, hosted by Lean Frontiers, which included Jim Huntzinger, Karen Martin, and David Veech. We hosted almost 500 participants, received many questions, and tried to answer as many as we can. We covered a range of topics from the mindset of returning to better,
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The Trust Factor
Trust is mandatory for optimization of a system. All of the parts of an organization must work as a whole. Jamie shares 5 points to approach trust in your organization. Please watch his video here:
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The 4Cs of Trust Podcast with Gemba Academy
While we could all still travel, I recorded a podcast with Ron Pereira of Gemba Academy. In fact, I was the first in-person guest in their new studio, which was great. Here’s the recording, where we talk about a range of stuff but focus on my recent deep-dive into the
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Advice during COVID19 for Internal Lean Resources
During the past couple of weeks, I’ve had numerous conversations with internal lean resources with all sorts of titles, struggling with how to support lean during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Some are shut down, others are on work from home restrictions. Some companies are at full tilt, supporting the crisis
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Do you know what problem you’re working on right now?
In this (somewhat dated) interview with Professor Nelson Repenning, he explores that question. Nelson was a first-year professor at MIT when I was there and was one of my favorites, teaching systems dynamics. He suggests “leaders who can formulate clear problem statements get more done with less effort and move
Read MoreWelcoming Andy Carlino’s new blog
Please help me welcome my longtime partner and friend Andy Carlino to the community of lean bloggers. You can find his blog at AndyCarlino.com. Andy is my co-founder of the Lean Learning Center and co-author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean. It is the “co” that is most valuable to
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