3 Reasons To Kill The 60-Minute Meeting
On Forbes: 3 Reasons to Kill the 60-Minute Meeting Open Outlook or Google Calendar and start a new meeting. It will default to 60 minutes. One hour is the most common length for a business meeting. But that’s just wrong. It’s not wrong sometimes; it’s wrong all the time. We
Read MoreAre you tired of meetings that don’t start on time?
If you were to calculate the actual time lost, meetings that don’t start on time is perhaps one of the single biggest generators of waste in organizations today. A meeting that starts 5 minutes late for 4 people waiting for 1 other person wastes 20 minutes. If it’s a
Read More2 Quick Tips on Meetings
Everybody loves a good meeting. If you think I’m being sarcastic, then you’ve never been in a good meeting. A good meeting is energizing, productive, focused. But of course most of the meetings that organizations hold are frustrating, unproductive, and wasteful. Here are two quick tips. First, consider if you
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