Leadership Questions

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-21-20

Can questions really be the answer? In this video, Jamie breaks down the benefits of using deliberate questions to develop your organization. Questions need to be used to help your people to think on their own. Questions need to have a purpose. He will give you examples of effective questions

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How do Andon and escalation differ?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-14-20

I posted this question on LinkedIn and received numerous responses, and while each one furthered the discussion, there were also many differences between them. Some I believe were wrong, and some were just a different perspective. I think this is an important note in its own right because we often

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The 4Cs of Trust Podcast with Gemba Academy

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-10-20

While we could all still travel, I recorded a podcast with Ron Pereira of Gemba Academy. In fact, I was the first in-person guest in their new studio, which was great. Here’s the recording, where we talk about a range of stuff but focus on my recent deep-dive into the

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Utilizing the 4Cs of Trust In Uncertain Times

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-09-20

People need to be able to rely on trust now more than ever. Are the actions you’re currently taking building trust with your internal and external customers? In this video I’ll share how to use the 4Cs: Demonstration of Care, Communication, Competence, and Consistency to help build trust in these

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Advice during COVID19 for Internal Lean Resources

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-07-20

During the past couple of weeks, I’ve had numerous conversations with internal lean resources with all sorts of titles, struggling with how to support lean during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Some are shut down, others are on work from home restrictions. Some companies are at full tilt, supporting the crisis

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Lean Whiskey Episode #15

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-03-20

In a special live-to-YouTube Episode 15 of Lean Whiskey, Mark Graban and Jamie Flinchbaugh begin their week by catching up, drinking whiskey, and talking shop. This episode was an experiment both in video recording the episode and in streaming it live to get viewer participation and questions. We didn’t have

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Do you know what problem you’re working on right now?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-02-20

In this (somewhat dated) interview with Professor Nelson Repenning, he explores that question. Nelson was a first-year professor at MIT when I was there and was one of my favorites, teaching systems dynamics. He suggests “leaders who can formulate clear problem statements get more done with less effort and move

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Working at the speed of collaboration and coordination 

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 03-26-20

Many processes are linear. They occur with defined steps in a defined order. You would traditionally improve a linear process utilizing a process map, or value stream map, to map out the flow and then start taking the waste out. Quite a bit of continuous improvement has been achieved in

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What questions do you have about strategic thinking?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 03-20-20

A brief message for those who have the opportunity to work on self-improvement during the COVID19 distancing measures. I will be working on a video course on strategic thinking. What questions do you have about strategic thinking, business model canvas, etc.? I will use those questions to help shape my

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Perspectives and Reflection in Hard Times

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 03-19-20

I stumbled upon something I wrote 18 years ago, and I thought it was relevant for current times. I wrote it on behalf of an equipment manufacturer who was marketing to manufacturing companies. Manufacturing, in particular, was in deep recession and times were tough. Today, some of your lives are

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