Happy Heuristics: Shock-resistant leader routines and rules of thumb for a complex world is a podcast by friends and authors Jeff Grimshaw and Jamie Flinchbaugh. Jeff and Jamie explore heuristics that help leaders make decisions more quickly and more effectively. Whether you adopt these suggested heuristics directly, or use them to make yourself smarter about leading through heuristics, is up to you.
Happy Heuristics
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Happy Heuristics Podcast
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Happy Heuristics Episode 9
The Happy Heuristics podcast was a project by Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw to explore the power of heuristics for better decision-making. The goal was to help cultivate shock-resistant leader routines and rules of thumb for a complex world. Season 1 was recorded and released in 2021 and 2022. There
Happy Heuristics Podcast Episode #8
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use
Happy Heuristics Podcast Episode #7
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use
Happy Heuristics Podcast Episode #6
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use
Happy Heuristics Episode 5
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use
Happy Heuristics Podcast Episode #4
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use
Happy Heuristics Podcast Episode #3
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use
Happy Heuristics Podcast Episode #2
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use
Happy Heuristics Podcast Episode #1
Happy Heuristics is a podcast about using rules of thumb, decision criteria, or heuristics to help leaders operate with speed and effectiveness in a complex and uncertain world. Podcast partners Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw explore specific heuristics, one theme at a time, that you can either adopt or use