
What’s the different between audit and assessment?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 10-22-13

I recently wrote a column for IndustryWeek titled Get the Most from Your Assessments. This was in part inspired by the several assessments I had just completed for clients in the weeks preceding my column due date. But there is also a pet peeve that I wanted to correct: there

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Get the Most from Your Assessments [Lessons from the Road]

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 10-10-13

I have performed a lot of assessments over the years. If done right, they’re actually quite exhausting. You’re trying to absorb everything you are hearing, seeing, not seeing, while trying to follow a process, draw conclusions, and generate next questions. But when done well, and received openly, they can provide

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Who is the customer for your internal quality audits?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-07-11

Last week I was in an automotive manufacturing plant (a very large one) helping to lead a quality systems assessment. It’s purpose is to give the client feedback of how they can improve their quality by improving their quality systems, and linking them more clearly with the voice of the

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