
The Power of Narrowing Your Focus: Finding Your Perfect Customers

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 09-24-24

Narrow Your Focus to Find Your Ideal Customer Every company, product manager, sales leader, and CEO should be thinking about their target market. Who would make their best customers? I believe that the parameters used to define target markets are too broad and vague and that efforts to significantly narrow

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4 Keys to Making Innovation a Capability [Lessons from the Road]

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 07-31-13

Is innovation born or built? I don’t know the answer as it applies to people. But as it applies to organizations, it’s built. My latest IndustryWeek Lessons from the Road column, titled Making Innovation a Capability, focuses on building an innovative organization. There are key lean skills and mindset that

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The More of Do More with Less [Lessons from the Road]

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-25-13

In the last installment of my Industry Week column, Lessons from the Road, I talked about waste elimination. In it, I also explained that the commonly used phrase “do more with less” is often perceived about being about the “less” when I believe truly lean organizations focus on the “more.”

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Who is the customer for your internal quality audits?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-07-11

Last week I was in an automotive manufacturing plant (a very large one) helping to lead a quality systems assessment. It’s purpose is to give the client feedback of how they can improve their quality by improving their quality systems, and linking them more clearly with the voice of the

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Keep Your Quality Filters Sacred

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 04-04-11

[I have been off the blog for a little while, for which I apologize. Hopefully, my business has given me plenty of interested topics for you, which I hope to publish in a timely manner.] Last week I was working with one of our consulting partners on an assessment of

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Answer Your Customers’ Questions

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 03-03-11

Recently I had a problem with Delta. Delta treats me pretty well, in part because of my extensive travel to our clients, but this day had me annoyed. It was a small thing that turned into a bigger thing. I had an outbound flight in the morning, and a return

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For Startups, How Much Process Is Too Much?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 03-26-10

Eric Ries, author of the blog, has been speaking and writing about lean startups. His particular focus is on software startups, and perhaps even more focused on those that are web-based and broadly distributed products. However, his thoughts on how to use lean principles such as experimentation, structure, and

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Take Customer Feedback Seriously

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 02-26-10

Plenty of companies say the focus on the customer. Many of them say they want customer feedback.   But few post unfiltered, real-time customer feedback on the front-page of their website where everyone can see it, whether good or bad. can say that. Here’s just the latest feedback as an

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