Available Recording of Lean Frontiers Webinar
On Wednesday I participated in a webinar, hosted by Lean Frontiers, which included Jim Huntzinger, Karen Martin, and David Veech. We hosted almost 500 participants, received many questions, and tried to answer as many as we can. We covered a range of topics from the mindset of returning to better,
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A Few Nuggets on Lean Product Development
I have spent as much time on lean product development as I have on any other area over the past 10 years. That’s largely because, for most companies, manufacturing products a little faster or cheaper is nothing compared to the overall business results delivered through a stronger product-development engine. I’ll
Read MoreHow to Engage with the Lean Community [Lessons from the Road]
From the conferences I’ve attended to the unsolicited emails I receive, I’ve been continually impressed by the quality of engagement throughout the lean community. There is plenty of interest in learning, sharing, and collaborating. I wrote my regular IndustryWeek column on how to engage with the lean community, as there
Read MoreGemba Academy podcast: Getting the Board on Board with Lean with Jamie Flinchbaugh
While attending the Summit on Lean Leadership by Lean Frontiers in partnership with the Lean Leadership Academy, I was leading a discussion on the lean board of directors. Coming out of the conference, I will produce a paper outlining some of the key thoughts. We discussed 3 aspects of the
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