Lean Whiskey Episode #23
Episode 23: “Finishing 2020 with everything from Kentucky Bourbon to Eggnog, with some Kata on top” Show Notes In Episode 23, Mark and Jamie return to finish out 2020, this time joined by Kentucky native Deondra Wardelle, so naturally, Kentucky bourbon is our whiskey category of choice. Bourbons selected include
Read MoreSuperstorm Sandy relief, lean, and Toyota
This video is great in many ways. First, it’s a great demonstration of how simple lean can be. While it doesn’t capture all of the essence or the experience behind some of the simple improvements, it does show how simple the improvements can be. Second, it demonstrates that when lean
Read MoreDon’t Limit Your Sources of Learning
Everyone wants to copy the best. That’s why companies such as Toyota and General Electric have been popular sources of benchmarking. That’s why Chrysler was so highly benchmarked when we were the most profitable car company. In the lean community, I have observed a common practice of filtering ideas
Read MoreThe Fall of the Mighty Toyota
..and other such troubling headlines and comments have been popping up everywhere throughout the news cycle and the blogosphere. The major Toyota recall has stirred up activity every where, from a common leading story on the nightly news, to blog articles of all sorts.
Read MoreMeasurement Misnomers, and Toyota Dealership Problems
On our LinkedIn Group we get many good discussions and questions. We had one from Roger Cook that I thought was worth repeating and expanding upon. Here is the question: I’m curious if any of you have foolproof ways of insuring your metrics (which lean folks are famous for measuring
Read MoreInside the mind of Taiichi Ohno
A book that is more obscure than it deserves is Taiichi Ohno’s Workplace Management. When most people think of this father of the Toyota Production System, they focus on Taiichi Ohno’s Toyota Production System book. However, that book is more transcribed from Ohno’s thoughts. Workplace Management is more direct, and
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