Blog Carnival Annual Roundup: 2010 – Lean Reflections
This is the second part of my Annual Roundups as part of John Hunter’s review roundup. Yesterday I reviewed John Hunter’s own blog. Today I’m reviewing my good friend Karen Wilhelm’s Lean Reflections.
Karen was formerly the Editor of SME’s Lean Directions e-newsletter, which was a solid collection of news and contributions while she was there. Karen has been a very active member of AME. She has been leading the social media efforts and has been a frequent contributor to Target Magazine. Karen has been to the Lean Learning Center several times to participate in our courses. her blog is very diverse and covers topics from book reviews to social media.
Here are some of my favorite posts from Karen’s blog for 2010.
Early in the year Karen wrote Four levels of “selling†on LinkedIn. Karen dug into the challenges of using a trusted social media source for selling based on some of her experiences through AME. she suggested for steps starting with building credibility and recognition, talking about yourself, selling, and finally shortcuts.
Karen takes a step into a more technical topic with Set–based design of capital–intensive manufacturing systems . This is a review of a speech from a Society of Manufacturing Engineering meeting. The speaker is a director of global lean manufacturing for a division of Lear. The topic reviews flexibility in planning manufacturing operations across a range of dimensions.
Choosing online collaboration tools for teams explores how new software enables improved work in organizations today. While online tools are rarely a replacement for what can be done face-to-face, the online tools available today are a great enhancement to teamwork.
Leaner office processes at BCBSM explores the success of lean applications at the insurance firm. This topic came about after a meeting of the Michigan Lean Consortium.
And just last week, Karen wrote about Toyota’s workplace safety philosophy is part of sustainability . After all, if you can’t get safety right, it’s very hard to get the rest right.
I hope you’ll visit Karen’s blog frequently. Please comment on her posts, as I encourage you to comment on mine.