
My Ideal Clients

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 11-19-24

Everyone should define their ideal clients. I have, and here’s those definitions. There are three situations where someone is a good fit for me, and for ACT with Purpose. I recorded this in part for me, as saying it out loud always help refine the thinking, but also for anyone

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A Mistake in Leading a Problem-Solving Culture

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 11-05-24

What’s one of the most common mistakes that leaders make when trying to shape a problem-solving culture? You are a role model whether you want to be or not, and too often you will practice good problem-solving behaviors but people witness the opposite. You are confident you did the right

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Don’t Forget About Problem Identification

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 10-01-24

Almost every problem solving tool, method, and template begins with problem definition. But is that the beginning? It is not. One of the oldest models for problem solving, from John Dewey, begins with problem identification. That’s fundamentally important to get right, especially when our email inbox alone has more problems

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Utilizing the Learning Lab as an Enterprise User

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 07-25-24

Content from the Learning Lab can be leveraged in many ways, from structured workshops, in-person training, individualized learning, or integration with a transformational project. In this video course, learn how you can develop your best applications with the content, with the significant chunk of the time spent demonstrating how to

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Do We Need a Unified Theory of Problem Solving?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 05-24-24

Do we need a unified theory of problem solving? It sounds compelling, but that doesn’t mean it would be useful. Here’s my answer to that question.  

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Is Our Thinking Wrong about the Speed of Decision Making?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 03-12-24

We should all speed up our decision-making in this faster-moving world, right? Well, only partially right. In this video, we’ll explain how our decision-making should be really split into faster decisions and deliberately slower decisions. I’ll share why, and also the core methods you might consider to help.

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How Is Problem Solving Like Breathing?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 03-05-24

I’ve been more aware that people are often very unaware of their day-to-day problem solving, all of that problem solving that happens when we are NOT using a structured approach or tool. Of course, problem solving is a human capability, but we can learn how to do it so much

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Happy Heuristics Episode 9

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 02-20-24

The Happy Heuristics podcast was a project by Jamie Flinchbaugh and Jeff Grimshaw to explore the power of heuristics for better decision-making. The goal was to help cultivate shock-resistant leader routines and rules of thumb for a complex world. Season 1 was recorded and released in 2021 and 2022. There

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What Early Experiences Taught You Interesting Lessons?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 02-13-24

What early experience taught you an interesting lesson? These are always fun stories, usually share when acting as a mentor, or perhaps over a drink. Here’s an example from my history, and how this little part taught me some valuable lessons. Those lessons may have helped shape my thinking.

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Is Problem Solving a Technical Skill?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh on 02-06-24

Is problem-solving a technical skill? I’ve heard many people say things like “I’m an engineer, so already a good problem solver” or “I’m a doctor, what we do is solve problems.” To be certain, I’ve said that about myself. It’s just not an accurate statement. Engineers (to pick on my

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