A few items for your consideration
I greatly appreciate that so many people tune in here to read what I have to write. I try very hard never to waste that privilege by clogging up your inbox or RSS feeds. So I thought I would share a few things with you in one batch email, and then be done with it and get back to writing about things that really interest you the most. I hope you give this one email a little consideration.
First, I wanted to share some of what we have going on in the Lean Learning Center. We continue to find new ways to serve our clients all over the world.
Lean Experience in Brazil
We are bringing the Lean Experience to South America for the first time, with a class to be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil starting October 17th. Many of you, particularly those from larger companies, have some operations in Brazil. We hope this will serve as a wonderful opportunity to help education that part of your organization. Please share this information with those you think might be interested, although the class is filling up fast. You can see the class here.
The Lean Quad LEGO Simulation
We have recently launched a new simulation, called the Lean Quad Simulation, based on LEGO product. The simulation has teams building ATVs. We are very proud of this simulation, and it can be used for value stream improvement training or more lean fundamentals. My personal favorite feature of this simulation is that when you get into improvement mode, you have a budget. You have to have some tough discussions of what to really improve first, because that’s what reality is like. You can check out more about the simulation here.
Reviews for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean
Many of you have read our book, and we greatly appreciate it. We continue to get great feedback about the book, both on its original continue and its readability. Many of you have used it for book clubs or executive introductions. We would like you to share your experience with other readers. Please take a moment and visit the book’s page
on Amazon.com and leave a review. Other readers absolutely do read these reviews, and you might help them make a decision.
Leading Lean is coming in December
There are so many lean thinkers out there, trying to push their organizations forward. They’ve read every book we’ve shared on The Lean Library, and are deeply committed to moving their organization forward. But they struggle. Change isn’t as easy as it should be. We’ve consolidated our best research, experience, lessons, and skills into a 3-day course called Leading Lean. We love this course – it’s tough, but engaging and will absolutely give you ideas and skills to help you put your knowledge to better use. We hope you’ll join us on December 12th.
And on a personal note…
My daughter is still in the middle of the long road to recovery from Perthes disease. As part of that recovery, and as an effort to help other kids with Perthes, she is participating in a bike ride fundraiser. Many of you have already given, as we have 70 donors with over $6,000. I would appreciate anything you can do, whether it’s $5 or $500.
Thank you for this indulgence, and I appreciate everyone’s continued interest.
Jamie Flinchbaugh