A Deep Dive of Lean [Lessons from the Road]
Would you believe that transforming a 1,000 person organization and a 50,000 person organization uses the same strategy? It’s true, and it’s surprisingly underutilized. In my most recent “Lessons from the Road” article written for Industry Week, I share the approach to building a lean learning culture of every person; every day.
The approach goes by many names “Lean Learning Line,” “model areas,” “learning laboratories,” “deep dives,” or “inch-wide, mile-deep,” but the purpose, no matter what the name, is learning how to make the team better.
How do you make the team better?
My first effort with this strategy engaged 150 people over five months. We implemented over 900 separate improvements from those team members. and we reduced downtime by 98%. Read the entire Industry Week article on the steps we took to produce these results.