Bloggers Friday Follows: Eric Ries
If you’re on Twitter, you know of the tradition of the Friday Follow where you share who you follow so that others might benefit in the same way. I think the same think should apply to blogging. So I occasionally post a Bloggers Friday Follows of interesting bloggers that I
Read MoreGuest post on Trust: T = (C x I) / R
Recently I posted the first video series on Cultural Transformation and described the formula H x V x F > R. I received a response on a different formula, which we turned into a guest post by Rob van Stekelenborg. Rob is working with IG&H, a Dutch-based consulting firm that
Read MoreFail, Learn, Lead
Do you have a lot of room in your organization for people to learn? Or as soon as they step out of their comfort zone, do things get a little scary? What you do as a leader has a huge impact on the behaviors of others in terms of
Read MoreKeen to Be Lean in Healthcare
Are you waiting with bated breath for Washington to fix healthcare? Me either. Regardless of your opinion on the pending legislation, there is still a problem. The soaring costs and staggering problems in healthcare still require us to fix the process. And that can’t be done from Washington. CFO Magazine
Read MoreDid we fix banking, or not?
Over the past 18 months, a great deal of attention has been placed on the banks, the providing of capital to those banks, and the health and wealth of Wall Street. Banks have started to pay back their “loans” and have started demonstrating the ability to profit. But was this
Read MoreJust a spoonful of sugar
This post originally appeared on the Lean Career Compass community run by Value Stream Leadership. “Respect for people” – This tenant has been thrown around a lot within the lean community in the past few years. It’s been used to challenge every company that’s ever done a layoff or anyone
Read MoreLeading Lean A-Z: K, Be Kinetic
by Jamie Flinchbaugh, This continues a series titled Leading Lean A-Z. This post is K: Be Kinetic. Did you ever have one of those days where you just wanted to put your feet up on your desk and breath in and out for a while? The lean journey will
Read MoreIs lean anti-technology?
It shouldn’t be. But a lean organization also doesn’t adopt technology for technology’s sake. There are often two camps in the “lean world.” There are those who really believe that lean is about no technology. Others believe that you can’t be lean without eKanban and ERP integration. IndustryWeek covered the
Read MoreSetting Goals, and the One Minute Leadership Lesson
How do you set goals? Think about it. If you actually had to describe it, how do you do it? Most people that set them don’t really know. Something goes in both inside and outside their brain, and goals come out the other side. Last week I posted on Forget
Read MoreNew look for 2010
I believe in small and continuous changes. I don’t often jump into something with both feet without looking. That doesn’t make me not entrepreneurial. It just makes me experimental and learning oriented. I guest blogged for 4 years before starting my own. And I’ll probably continue to tweak, experiment, and
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