Most popular blog posts of all time
[Before getting started, I apologize to anyone who visited our site on Wednesday and was redirected to another site. The site was hacked, and I appreciate BigBigDesignfor springing into action to get it fixed. If anyone is still having trouble, please delete cookies for,, and….(too long to type). Again, I apologize for this happening. It’s pretty disturbing to know that my site could be hacked in this way.]
Out of curiosity, I wanted to see what were the most popular, by the someone relative metric of most viewed, blog posts I’ve written. Here are the 10 most viewed blog posts on this site:
- The Benefits of the Stand-up Desk
- A post that simply shows my stand-up desk and some useful links about the benefits of having one. This kind of surprised me, but I guess it applies more broadly since virtually everyone has a desk somewhere but not everyone has an interest in lean.
- Don’t Do 5S
- Many do think that this is the first step, but I don’t believe companies should start their lean journey with 5S – at least not all the time. This post explains my point. This also surprises me that something so basic draws such attention. When I wrote the Leading Lean columns for Assembly Magazine, the column on 5S was most viewed as well.
- Organizational Design and the Role of HR in Lean
- Lean is a human system. And human resources deals with humans, right? This post pointed out that HR should get involved in Lean application, and builds on the specific aspect of organizational design.
- The Fall of the Mighty Toyota
- This post discuss somewhat my observations regarding Toyota facing crisis. There been much revealed since then.
- The Fine Line Between Micro-management and Surfacing Problems
- The difference between micro-management and surfacing problems were discussed in this post.
- 4 Myths About the Principle of Respect for People
- I see the principle of respect for people thrown about sometimes casually, and sometimes in direct conflict of what I believe the principle is truly about. I’ve discussed in this post some myths on the application of the Respect for People principle. This is actually one of my favorite posts.
- The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs
- Of course, the primary lesson is one about greed. But I think there are a couple of other applications of this classic. Read the post to find out.
- What is the Right Span of Control for a Manager
- Here I talked about how broad an individual managers responsibility should be. Of course this differ per organization, but I have laid out some things to be considered.
- Value Stream Mapping Font
- The post just started with a font I found on one weekend, then it end up discussing the misconceptions of building a value stream map. Find out why building a map is not the point.
- Organizational Design Solves Lean Challenges
- The post speaks about how changes in an organizational design can solve problems or enhance lean methods.
While I’m on the subject of popular blog posts, I’ll also take this opportunity to mention that this blog was just put #17 on a list by OnlineMBA of the 50 Blogs That Will Make You a Better Manager. I appreciate the recognition.